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Stockholm Cricket Club
Womens Soft Ball Cricket

Womens Soft Ball Cricket - Kista

Soft Ball Cricket is all about getting out and playing: maximum fun, minumim fuss. No pads, no hard ball, no heavy bat, no head scratching rules. Its abolutely for everybody, no matter your skill level, fitness, or age. Turn up and we promise you a warm welcome, coaching, and fika.


If you are interested in playing join us at training in Kista

Meghana selected to national team
2021-07-12 10:30
We would like to congratulate Meghana on her selection to the Swedish national team

On 14-July the 15 person squad for the Swedish national team was announced by the High Performance Program, and as a club and women’s program we are proud to see Meghana selected.  And we wish her and all the team all the best in the upcoming series against Norway.


The clubs chairman Karl Langston referred to the historical nature of the women’s cricket section within the club,

"The Stockholm Cricket Club was the first club in Sweden to launch a women’s program in the 1990’s under the leadership of Irene Persson,  however unfortunately it was not sustained and the program faded.  So it is heartening to see Meghana being selected to the national team so soon after the re-launch of our women’s section this year. And we hope Meghana’s success will be an impetus to continued growth of the women’s section within the club."


Meghana is also a coach in the Clubs “Women’s Softball Cricket” program.



The details on and squad members can be found on the SCF webpage.



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