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Stockholm Cricket Club

The Stockholm Cricket Youth Festival is a tournament for children under the age of 15 years old organised by the  Stockholm Cricket Club. The goal is to provide youth from around Sweden the opportunity to play cricket in a fun and competitive envirobment.  It is held in the begining of July in Skapnäck.

The ungdoms cricket festival is back
2021-07-31 08:10

The 2nd edition of the Cricket Festival was expanded to include U13 and U15 teams was held in July 2021.

Cricket Festival Cancelled in 2020
2020-04-25 20:00

Due to the ongoing covid-19 pandemic the Cricket Festival for 2020 is cancelled.

Inaugural U15 Cricket Festival
2019-06-11 20:30

The first ever U15 Cricket Festival was held in Stockholm on June 8th and 9th. With 5 teams from Göteborg and Stockholm, the eventual winner was Saltsjöbaden CC.

Sveriges Radio P4 Stockholm
2019-06-11 20:00

Rapportage från P4 Stockholm, "Strategi och logik viktigt på Sveriges första cricketfestival"

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